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To Install Or Not To Install? That Is Not A Question!

To Install Or Not To Install? That Is Not A Question!

Social media is literally overwhelmed with endless advertisements encouraging solar panel installation and maintenance. We come across numerous positive feedbacks from solar panel system consumers who claim that this renewable energy source is better than traditional. Nevertheless, we also hear opinions about the disadvantages of solar panel installations. The main disadvantage of photovoltaic system installation is the price. 

So, a question arises: to install, or not to install? This article will highlight five main solar panel benefits and leave it up to you to determine what is best for you and your residence. Let’s go.

Your Budget 

As, the manufacturing process of a solar panel system is time and energy-consuming, the solar panel cost is pretty high. Despite the type of solar panel, the approximate price in the Bay Area is about $3.14/W. This means that an average solar panel kit installation will cost you from $13,500 to $18,000. Sounds very high! So, you may ask – what’s the point of switching to solar energy consumption? There is a huge benefit to your budget. First, the initial high cost of the solar panel for sale is reduced due to several local incentives that your region will provide, for sure. Second, further solar system maintenance will significantly reduce your monthly bills, bringing them to zero. Yes, you are right! It is possible to switch to 100 percent solar energy consumption with no utility grid bills to pay for.

Moreover, modern solar systems are equipped with such devices as solar power storage that allow you to sell your excess energy to the local energy grid and get compensation. It may sound unbelievable, though, it is a fact. All solar panel companies you decide to refer to will provide you with a detailed solar panel cost calculator for your area.

Hence, it turns out that the initial cost you pay for photovoltaic system installation is the only considerable cost paid for going solar. 

Your Renewable Energy Source 

The last pandemic made us rethink our lifestyle and daily routine, considering the pros and cons of human influence on the environment. It was a shock therapy even for the contingent less troubling itself for nature’s overall wellbeing. Having the least negative impact on the environment, the solar power system is the most eco-friendly energy source on our planet. Moreover, it is limitless. As long as the sun is shining in the sky, you have that pure energy source to rely on. Unlike chemical or thermal energy, this energy type is free of hazardous emissions like greenhouse gasses and fossil fuels. If you are a fighter for making this planet a better place for future generations, this energy source is for you. 

Your Comfort and Confidence


The solar system installation and maintenance adds an incredible sense of comfort to your life. If going solar, you must know that installing this renewable energy source is not limited only to the best solar panel system or positive impact on your budget. As I mentioned above, it has many modern devices that turn your daily life into a luxury. One of them is the solar battery with its best-selling model known as the Tesla Powerwall. The most brilliant in this device is that it can store the excess energy produced by your photovoltaic system and provide you with power whenever you need it. With this power storage battery, you will never worry about blackouts: even if the whole region is out of electricity, you will be the one to have energy regardless of anything. When you switch to solar energy consumption, you can become totally independent of the local power grid.

Furthermore, you can provide your extra energy to the same power grid and get money compensation instead. The idea of consuming electricity without any sense of obligation to pay for it sounds somewhat fantastic. The device is also suitable for EV charging. You put your Electric Vehicle to charge for the night, and in the morning, you have a fully charged electric car. This fact is fascinating, indeed. 

Your Integration into Modern Technologies 

When speaking about solar system maintenance, it would be unfair not to mention smart home solutions provided by the best solar company in the Bay area. As I already mentioned, the concept of the best solar panel could differ based on the needs and requirements of the specific customer. The same is with other solar system devices and smart home solutions. The new generations are creasy about technological innovations that this system can offer. The reason is simple: they like to step in the times and get the maximum from high-tech solutions. To be more specific, suppose that you can quickly get a remote control to all your house electrical devices. This makes life much more comfortable and stress-free. With special apps, your home devices are attached to your smartphone, and you can control them as long as you have access to the internet. Solar system devices and products are interconnected via a digital network and provide you with all the necessary information concerning your residence. You can also watch after your kids or turn on special notification functions for older people, which will remind them to take the pills or turn off this or that electric device avoiding any incidents. 

Your Investment in Job Creation 

As the latest research proved, the solar system companies are expanding their geography with high speed to comply with new customers’ requirements. Each year more and more people switch to this renewable system solution gaining benefits from it. The increasingly high demand for solar system consumption assumes a new level of production. To ensure this level of manufacturing, solar system companies make new investments and create new workplaces. 

Considering all the benefits mentioned above, it’s hard to resist the temptation of solar system maintenance. As a bonus, just if you make up your mind going solar, I’d suggest you visit the best solar company in the Bay area, “Bay Solar Group,” to experience the new reality. 

The author of a publication: Helen Kocharyan 


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