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The ROI of Using Solar Pigeon Guard in Solar Installations

The ROI of Using Solar Pigeon Guard in Solar Installations

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View Pigeon Control System https://images.vc/image/4lo/white-pigeon-2022-11-04-06-18-19-utc.jpg

The ROI of Using Solar Pigeon Guard in Solar Installations

Solar panels are being installed on commercial and residential roofs across America at an ever-increasing rate. While solar energy is a sustainable and cost-effective solution, it also attracts pest birds such as pigeons. Pigeons under solar panels can cause significant damage to the roof, electrical wiring, and the panels themselves. In order to protect solar installations from these pests, many individuals and companies are turning to solar pigeon guards. In this article, we will explore the ROI (Return on Investment) of using solar pigeon guard in solar installations from various angles.

Protecting Your Investment

Investing in solar panels is a long-term commitment. The panels themselves are an expensive investment, and any damage caused by pigeons can result in additional costs for repairs and maintenance. By installing solar pigeon guards, you can protect your investment and ensure that your solar panels remain in optimal condition for years to come.

Check Out Pigeon Proofing https://images.vc/image/4la/green-pigeon-2021-08-30-02-12-42-utc.jpg

Preventing Damage to Roofs and Electrical Wiring

When pigeons nest under solar panels, they can cause damage to the roof and electrical wiring. Pigeon droppings are not only unsightly, but they also contain corrosive substances that can deteriorate roofing materials. Additionally, pigeons may build nests near electrical components, increasing the risk of electrical fires. Solar pigeon guards act as a physical barrier, preventing pigeons from accessing the area under the panels and avoiding potential damage.

Increasing Efficiency and Performance

Pigeons nesting under solar panels can reduce the efficiency and performance of the panels. The accumulation of droppings and nesting materials can create shading, hindering sunlight absorption and reducing the amount of electricity generated. By installing solar pigeon guards, you can ensure that your solar panels operate at their maximum potential, maximizing energy production and overall efficiency.

Improving Safety and Reducing Health Risks

Pigeon droppings not only pose a risk to the integrity of solar installations but also to human health. The droppings can carry diseases and parasites that can be transmitted to humans through inhalation or contact. By implementing a solar pigeon guard system, you can create a pigeon-free environment, reducing health risks and ensuring the safety of both residents and workers.

Enhancing Aesthetics and Curb Appeal

Pigeon infestations under solar panels can significantly decrease the curb appeal of a property. The presence of droppings and nesting materials can make a building look neglected and unsightly. By using solar pigeon guards, you can maintain a clean and aesthetically pleasing appearance, improving the overall curb appeal and value of your property.

Complying with Regulations and Standards

In many areas, there are regulations and standards in place to ensure the proper installation and maintenance of solar panels. These regulations often include guidelines for pest control and bird deterrent measures. By installing solar pigeon guards, you can comply with these regulations and ensure that your solar installation meets all requirements.

Picture related to Pigeon Free Environment https://images.vc/image/4lo/white-pigeon-2022-11-04-06-18-19-utc.jpg

Ensuring Peace of Mind

By investing in solar pigeon guards, you can have peace of mind knowing that your solar installation is protected from potential damage and efficiency loss caused by pigeons. With the assurance that your investment is secure, you can focus on reaping the benefits of solar energy without worrying about the presence of pests.

Important Facts and Statistics about Solar Pigeon Guard

  • We offer a 5-year workmanship guarantee and even a No Pigeon Guarantee in some instances – Bay Solar Group
  • The Solar Mesh Guard Kit is designed to keep pest birds and rodents from getting under solar panels and damaging the roof and electrical wiring – Bird-X
  • 10.0 BOT Score for Solar Panel Protection – Bird Barrier
  • Pigeons are attracted to the warmth provided by solar panels – Peak Services Las Vegas

How do solar pigeon guards protect solar installations?

Solar pigeon guards act as a physical barrier, preventing pigeons from nesting under solar panels. They protect the panels, roof, and electrical wiring from damage caused by pigeon droppings, nesting materials, and potential fire hazards.

Can solar pigeon guards improve the efficiency of solar panels?

Yes, by installing solar pigeon guards, you can prevent shading caused by pigeon droppings and nesting materials. This ensures that the solar panels receive maximum sunlight absorption, resulting in improved energy production and overall efficiency.

In conclusion, using solar pigeon guards in solar installations offers a strong return on investment. They protect your investment, prevent damage to roofs and electrical wiring, increase efficiency and performance, improve safety and reduce health risks, enhance aesthetics and curb appeal, comply with regulations and standards, and provide peace of mind. By choosing to install solar pigeon guards, you can ensure the longevity, performance, and integrity of your solar panels while enjoying the numerous benefits of solar energy.


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