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The Importance of Professional Installation for Solar Pigeon Guard

The Importance of Professional Installation for Solar Pigeon Guard

Protecting solar panels from pigeons with professional installation of solar pigeon guards is essential for maintaining the panel's efficiency and preventing damage. Learn more about the importance of professional installation for solar pigeon guards.

View Solar Pigeon Guard https://images.vc/image/4lp/white-pigeons-2021-08-30-00-59-30-utc.jpg

The Importance of Professional Installation for Solar Pigeon Guard

Solar energy is a clean and sustainable power source that is being increasingly adopted worldwide. As a result, the installation of solar panels on both residential and commercial roofs has become more prevalent. However, along with the numerous benefits of solar energy comes the risk of pigeons nesting and roosting under the panels. To mitigate this problem, the installation of solar pigeon guards is crucial. In this article, we will discuss the importance of professional installation for solar pigeon guards.

1. Protecting Solar Panels

Picture related to Pigeon Barrier https://images.vc/image/4l3/a-flock-of-pigeons-in-the-street-2021-08-26-17-19-49-utc.jpg

Solar panels are a significant investment, and their performance directly impacts the overall energy production of the system. Pigeons nesting beneath the panels can cause damage to the panels themselves, which may result in reduced energy output. Professional installation of solar pigeon guards ensures that the panels are adequately protected from pigeons and other pests, preventing any potential damage.

2. Maintaining Panel Efficiency

When pigeons nest under solar panels, their droppings can accumulate and cover the surface of the panels. This can lead to a decrease in the panel’s efficiency, as the droppings block sunlight from reaching the solar cells. Professional installation of solar pigeon guards helps to keep the panels clean and free from bird droppings, ensuring optimal energy production.

3. Preventing Damage to Roof and Electrical Wiring

Pigeons nesting under solar panels can also cause damage to the roof and electrical wiring. They may dislodge or displace roof tiles, creating entry points for water leaks. Additionally, pigeons are notorious for pecking at electrical wires, which poses a fire hazard. Professional installation of solar pigeon guards includes securing them safely onto the panels without causing any damage to the roof or electrical wiring.

View Solar Pigeon Spike https://images.vc/image/4l6/common-wood-pigeon-2021-08-26-16-38-23-utc.jpg

4. No Pigeon Guarantee

Reputable solar installation companies often offer a No Pigeon Guarantee when professional installation of solar pigeon guards is carried out. This guarantee provides assurance to homeowners or businesses that if pigeons manage to access the panels despite the guards, the installer will return to address the issue promptly at no additional cost.

5. Longevity of Solar System

By ensuring the proper installation of solar pigeon guards, the longevity of the entire solar system can be extended. Professional installers have the knowledge and experience to position the guards effectively, taking into account factors such as panel angle, wind patterns, and maximum coverage. This helps to maintain the integrity of the system and prolong its lifespan.

6. Compliance with Local Regulations

In some areas, having professional installation of solar pigeon guards may be a requirement set by local regulations. This is especially true in regions where pigeons are prevalent or protected species. By adhering to these regulations, solar system owners can avoid potential fines or legal issues.

7. Expertise and Experience

Professional installers have the expertise and experience to select the most suitable solar pigeon guards based on the specific needs of the solar system. They are knowledgeable about different types of guards, such as netting, spikes, or exclusion devices, and can recommend the most effective solution for the particular bird control needs of the installation.


Professional installation of solar pigeon guards is essential for maintaining the efficiency of solar panels, preventing damage to the system, and ensuring compliance with local regulations. By relying on expert installers, homeowners and businesses can protect their investment and enjoy the full benefits of solar energy without the nuisance and potential harm caused by pigeons.

Why is professional installation of solar pigeon guards important?

Professional installation ensures that solar panels are adequately protected from pigeons, maintaining panel efficiency and preventing damage to the roof and electrical wiring.

What is included in professional installation of solar pigeon guards?

Professional installation typically includes securing the guards onto the solar panels without causing damage, positioning them effectively, and ensuring compliance with local regulations.

Protect your solar panels from pigeons with professional installation of solar pigeon guards. Bay Solar Group offers reliable solar installation services and solutions to ensure a pigeon-free environment. Get in touch with us at 628-259-0909‬ or visit our website baysolargroup.com for more information.


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