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Solar Pigeon Guard: The Key to Sustainable Bird Control

Solar Pigeon Guard: The Key to Sustainable Bird Control

Learn how Solar Pigeon Guard can effectively deter pigeons and other birds from nesting under solar panels and damaging your property.

Picture related to Bird Control Solution https://images.vc/image/4lq/wood-pigeon-on-mossy-branch-2021-09-02-20-19-20-utc.jpg

Solar Pigeon Guard: The Key to Sustainable Bird Control

Pigeons and other birds can become a major problem when they nest and roost under solar panels. Their presence can lead to damage to the panels and the surrounding area, as well as health and safety concerns for the building occupants. To address this issue, Bay Solar Group offers a solution called Solar Pigeon Guard.

The Problem with Pigeons and Solar Panels

Check Out Solar Pigeon Guard https://images.vc/image/4l8/DJI_0293.jpeg

Rooftop solar panels create an ideal environment for pigeons and other birds to nest and roost. They provide shelter from the elements, protection from predators, and a convenient perch for surveying the surroundings. Pigeons are naturally attracted to warm areas, and the heat generated by solar panels makes them even more appealing.

However, the presence of birds under solar panels can have several negative impacts:

  • Damage to the Panels: Birds can build nests and leave droppings on the panels, reducing their efficiency and potentially causing electrical issues.
  • Damage to the Roof: Nesting materials and droppings can clog drains and cause roof leaks, leading to costly repairs.
  • Health and Safety Concerns: Bird droppings can contain harmful bacteria and parasites, posing a risk to the building occupants.
  • Noise and Disturbance: Bird activity under the panels can be noisy and disturbing, disrupting the peace and tranquility of the surrounding area.

The Solution: Solar Pigeon Guard

Solar Pigeon Guard is a bird control system specifically designed to deter pigeons and other birds from nesting under solar panels. It provides a sustainable and humane solution to address the bird infestation problem without causing harm to the animals.

Picture related to Pigeon Exclusion Device https://images.vc/image/4lb/group-of-carrier-pigeons-on-the-roof-2022-01-11-02-51-36-utc.jpg

The key features and benefits of Solar Pigeon Guard include:

  • Physical Barrier: Solar Pigeon Guard consists of specially designed mesh netting or spikes that create a barrier, preventing birds from accessing the space under the solar panels.
  • Solar Panel-Friendly: The installation of Solar Pigeon Guard does not damage the solar panels or interfere with their functioning.
  • Durable and Weather-Resistant: Solar Pigeon Guard is made from high-quality materials that are built to withstand various weather conditions and provide long-lasting protection.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Solar Pigeon Guard is a sustainable bird control solution that does not require the use of harmful chemicals or pesticides.
  • Easy to Install: The installation process is quick and hassle-free, and it can be customized to fit the specific requirements of the solar panel installation.
  • No Pigeon Guarantee: Bay Solar Group offers a No Pigeon Guarantee in some instances, providing assurance that the bird infestation will be effectively resolved.

Benefits of Solar Pigeon Guard

Solar Pigeon Guard offers several benefits for both residential and commercial solar panel installations:

  • Protection of Solar Panels: By preventing birds from nesting under the panels, Solar Pigeon Guard helps maintain their efficiency and prolong their lifespan.
  • Prevention of Damage to the Roof: By deterring birds from nesting on the roof, Solar Pigeon Guard helps prevent potential roof damage and the need for costly repairs.
  • Health and Safety Assurance: By eliminating bird droppings and associated health risks, Solar Pigeon Guard creates a safer and healthier environment for the building occupants.
  • Noise Reduction: By reducing bird activity and noise, Solar Pigeon Guard enhances the peace and tranquility of the surroundings.
  • Sustainable Solution: Solar Pigeon Guard promotes environmentally friendly bird control practices, aligning with the goals of sustainability and conservation.

With Solar Pigeon Guard, property owners can enjoy the benefits of solar energy without the hassle and damage caused by bird infestations.

Get Solar Pigeon Guard from Bay Solar Group

Bay Solar Group is a trusted provider of solar panel installation and bird control solutions. They offer a range of services, including Solar Pigeon Guard, to help property owners protect their solar panels and maintain a bird-free environment.

To learn more about Solar Pigeon Guard and other services offered by Bay Solar Group, visit their website: https://baysolargroup.com.

If you’re ready to take the next step and secure your solar panels from bird infestations, contact Bay Solar Group today at 628-259-0909.


How does Solar Pigeon Guard work?

Solar Pigeon Guard works by creating a physical barrier using mesh netting or spikes. This barrier prevents birds from accessing the space under the solar panels, effectively deterring them from nesting and causing damage.

Can Solar Pigeon Guard be installed on any type of solar panel?

Yes, Solar Pigeon Guard can be installed on various types of solar panels, including both residential and commercial installations. The installation process can be customized to fit the specific requirements of the panels.



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