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Solar Pigeon Guard: An Innovative Answer to Pigeon Problems

Solar Pigeon Guard: An Innovative Answer to Pigeon Problems

Solar Pigeon Guard is a revolutionary solution designed to keep pigeons away from solar panels, preventing damage and ensuring optimal performance. Find out how this innovative bird deterrent system works and why it is a game-changer for homeowners and businesses.

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Solar Pigeon Guard is an innovative answer to the growing problem of pigeons nesting and roosting under solar panels. This bird deterrent system is designed to keep pigeons away from solar panels, preventing damage and ensuring optimal performance. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of Solar Pigeon Guard, how it works, and why it is a game-changer for homeowners and businesses.

The Problem with Pigeons Under Solar Panels

Pigeons nesting and roosting under solar panels can cause a range of issues. They can create nests and block ventilation, leading to overheating and reduced efficiency of the solar panels. Pigeon droppings can also corrode the panels and damage the electrical wiring. Additionally, the noise and mess created by pigeons can be a nuisance for homeowners and businesses.

How Solar Pigeon Guard Works

Solar Pigeon Guard is a comprehensive bird deterrent system specifically designed for solar panels. It consists of a combination of physical barriers and visual deterrents to keep pigeons away. The system is easy to install and does not require any modifications to the solar panels or roof.

The physical barriers, such as pigeon spikes and netting, prevent pigeons from landing and nesting under the solar panels. These barriers are made from high-quality materials that are durable and weather-resistant. They are designed to withstand harsh outdoor conditions and provide long-term protection.

In addition to the physical barriers, Solar Pigeon Guard utilizes visual deterrents to further discourage pigeons from approaching the solar panels. These deterrents mimic predators or create reflective surfaces that disorient and scare pigeons away.

View pigeon exclusion device https://images.vc/image/4lg/pigeon-in-midair-2022-11-16-15-04-56-utc.jpg

Benefits of Solar Pigeon Guard

  • Pigeon Prevention: Solar Pigeon Guard effectively deters pigeons from nesting and roosting under solar panels, preventing damage and reducing the need for costly repairs.
  • Optimal Performance: By keeping pigeons away, Solar Pigeon Guard ensures that solar panels operate at maximum efficiency, generating the maximum amount of electricity.
  • Long-lasting Protection: The high-quality materials used in Solar Pigeon Guard provide long-term protection against pigeons and other pests.
  • Eco-friendly Solution: Solar Pigeon Guard is an eco-friendly alternative to harmful pesticides or trapping methods. It does not harm the birds or disrupt the ecosystem.
  • Customizable: Solar Pigeon Guard can be customized to fit any solar panel system, ensuring a perfect fit and maximum effectiveness.

Get Solar Pigeon Guard from Bay Solar Group

If you are experiencing issues with pigeons under your solar panels, Bay Solar Group offers a range of solutions, including Solar Pigeon Guard. Our team of experts can assess your specific needs and provide a customized bird deterrent system that will protect your solar panels and ensure optimal performance.

Contact Bay Solar Group today at 628-259-0909 or visit https://baysolargroup.com to learn more about our solar solutions and schedule a consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Solar Pigeon Guard protect solar panels?

Solar Pigeon Guard utilizes a combination of physical barriers, such as pigeon spikes and netting, and visual deterrents to keep pigeons away from solar panels. The barriers prevent pigeons from landing and nesting, while the visual deterrents mimic predators or create reflective surfaces to deter pigeons from approaching the panels.

Is Solar Pigeon Guard easy to install?

Yes, Solar Pigeon Guard is designed for easy installation. It does not require any modifications to the solar panels or roof. The physical barriers can be securely attached to the panels, and the visual deterrents can be easily placed in strategic locations.


  1. “Solar Panel Bird And Pigeon Proofing – Pigeonpros.com” – https://www.birdpros.com/services/solar-panel-bird-and-pigeon-proofing
  2. “Solar Mesh Guard Kit | Protect Solar Panels from Pest Birds | Bird-X” – https://www.bird-x.com/solar-mesh-guard-kit.html
  3. “Solar Panel Protection – Bird Barrier” – https://birdbarrier.com/solar-panel-protection
  4. “Pigeons Under Solar Panels: 7 Easy Solutions – Peak Services Las Vegas” – https://peakserviceslv.com/pigeons-under-solar-panels-7-easy-solutions


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