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Solar Pigeon Guard: A Cost-Effective Solution for Bird Control around Solar Panels

Solar Pigeon Guard: A Cost-Effective Solution for Bird Control around Solar Panels

Pigeons nesting and roosting under solar panels can cause damage to both the panels and the roof. Solar Pigeon Guard offers a cost-effective solution to keep birds away from solar installations, ensuring their efficient operation. Find out more about this bird control system and its benefits.

View solar pigeon netting https://images.vc/image/4lo/white-pigeon-2022-11-04-06-18-19-utc.jpg


Pigeons nesting and roosting under solar panels can cause significant damage to both the panels and the roof. To address this issue, Bay Solar Group offers a cost-effective solution known as Solar Pigeon Guard. This innovative bird control system helps keep birds away from solar installations, ensuring their efficient operation. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of Solar Pigeon Guard, as well as why it is a crucial investment for solar panel owners.

Solar Pigeon Guard: Features and Benefits

1. Effective Pigeon Deterrent

Solar Pigeon Guard serves as an effective deterrent against pigeons and other birds that may want to nest or roost under solar panels. The system consists of carefully designed barriers, spikes, and netting that make it incredibly difficult for birds to access the area beneath the panels.

The installation of Solar Pigeon Guard creates a secure environment for solar panels, preventing damage caused by bird activity. The system is designed to be durable and long-lasting, providing ongoing protection for your solar investment.

2. Cost-Effective Solution

Solar Pigeon Guard offers a cost-effective solution for bird control around solar panels. Compared to other bird deterrent methods, such as frequent cleaning or chemical repellents, Solar Pigeon Guard provides a long-term solution that requires minimal maintenance.

By investing in Solar Pigeon Guard, solar panel owners can avoid the costly repairs that may be needed due to bird damage. This bird control system helps protect the integrity of the solar installation, ensuring optimal performance and extending the lifespan of the panels.

View pigeon barrier https://images.vc/image/4lf/Meidlinger_Markt,_bird_repellents.jpg

3. Environmentally Friendly

Solar Pigeon Guard is an environmentally friendly solution for bird control. It does not harm birds or other wildlife but simply discourages them from nesting or roosting under solar panels.

Unlike chemical repellents or harsh physical deterrents, Solar Pigeon Guard provides a humane approach to bird control. It allows birds to find alternative nesting sites without causing harm or stress to the animals.

4. Easy Installation

The installation process of Solar Pigeon Guard is quick and easy. The system is designed to securely attach onto solar panels without causing any damage. This ensures that your solar installation remains intact and fully functional.

Bay Solar Group professionals are experienced in installing Solar Pigeon Guard and can efficiently set up the system for your solar panels. They will ensure that the barriers, spikes, and netting are properly installed to effectively deter birds.

5. Customizable Solution

Solar Pigeon Guard can be customized to suit the specific requirements of your solar installation. The barriers, spikes, and netting can be tailored to fit different panel sizes and configurations.

This customization ensures that the bird control system provides optimal coverage and protection for your solar panels. Bay Solar Group will work with you to determine the most suitable design for your solar system, ensuring maximum effectiveness.

6. Comprehensive Warranty and Support

When you choose Solar Pigeon Guard from Bay Solar Group, you not only benefit from the effective bird control solution but also receive comprehensive warranty and support. Bay Solar Group offers a 5-year workmanship guarantee, ensuring the quality and durability of the installed system.

In addition, the company even offers a No Pigeon Guarantee in some instances, providing you with peace of mind knowing that the bird control system will effectively keep pigeons away from your solar panels.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Photo of bird deterrent system https://images.vc/image/4lj/pigeons-in-the-urban-environment-2022-11-14-09-57-03-utc.jpg

Question 1: How does Solar Pigeon Guard prevent pigeons from accessing solar panels?

Solar Pigeon Guard utilizes barriers, spikes, and netting to create a physically deterrent environment for birds. These components are strategically installed to prevent pigeons from nesting or roosting under the solar panels.

Question 2: How long does Solar Pigeon Guard last?

Solar Pigeon Guard is designed to be durable and long-lasting. It is made from high-quality materials that can withstand various weather conditions. With proper installation and maintenance, Solar Pigeon Guard can provide ongoing bird control for many years.

Protecting your solar panels from birds is essential to ensure their efficient operation and prolong their lifespan. Solar Pigeon Guard from Bay Solar Group offers a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution to keep birds away from solar installations. By investing in this bird control system, you can protect your solar investment and maintain optimal performance.

Contact Bay Solar Group at 628-259-0909 to learn more about Solar Pigeon Guard and schedule an installation. Visit baysolargroup.com for more information on solar installations, sustainability-a-perfect-match-2/">powerwall, enphase storage, EV charging, roofing, and other services provided by Bay Solar Group.


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