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Reducing Repair and Maintenance Costs with Solar Pigeon Guard

Reducing Repair and Maintenance Costs with Solar Pigeon Guard

Learn about how solar pigeon guard systems can help reduce repair and maintenance costs. Explore various angles and in-depth content on this topic.

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Reducing Repair and Maintenance Costs with Solar Pigeon Guard

Solar panels are being installed on commercial and residential roofs across America at an ever-increasing rate. While solar energy is a sustainable and cost-effective solution, it also attracts unwanted attention from pigeons and other pests. Pigeons often nest and roost under solar panels, causing damage to the panels and the roof. This can lead to expensive repairs and maintenance costs.

One effective solution to mitigate these issues is to install a solar pigeon guard system. These systems are specifically designed to keep pest birds, like pigeons, away from the solar panels. They act as a barrier to prevent the birds from accessing the space beneath the panels.

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Benefits of Solar Pigeon Guard

Installing a solar pigeon guard system offers several benefits, including:

  • Damage prevention: By keeping pigeons away from the panels, the guard system helps prevent any damage they may cause to the panels and the roofing structure.
  • Reduced maintenance costs: With fewer pigeons nesting under the panels, the need for regular maintenance and repairs decreases, saving you money in the long run.
  • Increased energy efficiency: Pigeons and their droppings can reduce the efficiency of solar panels. By preventing their presence, the guard system helps maintain optimal energy production.
  • Noise reduction: Pigeons can be noisy and disruptive, especially when nesting beneath the solar panels. Installing a guard system helps minimize the noise pollution in your property.
  • Health and safety: Pigeons carry diseases and parasites that can be harmful to humans. By keeping them away from your property, you reduce the risk of disease transmission and protect your family’s health.

Types of Solar Pigeon Guard Systems

There are various types of solar pigeon guard systems available on the market. Some popular options include:

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  • Solar Pigeon Spike: These are spike-like structures that deter pigeons from landing on the solar panels.
  • Solar Pigeon Netting: Netting is installed to create a physical barrier, preventing access to the space beneath the panels.
  • Pigeon Exclusion Device: These devices are designed to block off the entry points where pigeons typically access the area beneath the panels.
  • Solar Pigeon Repellent: Repellents, such as ultrasonic devices or visual deterrents, deter pigeons from coming near the solar panels.

Installation and Maintenance

It is essential to hire a professional solar panel installation company, such as Bay Solar Group, to install the solar pigeon guard system properly. They have the expertise and experience to ensure the system is correctly installed and effectively keeps pests away.

Regular maintenance is also crucial to ensure the guard system remains effective. Cleaning the panels and inspecting the guard for any damage or wear should be part of your maintenance routine. Bay Solar Group offers maintenance services to keep your solar pigeon guard system in optimal condition.

Solar Pigeon Guard FAQs

Why are pigeons attracted to solar panels?

Pigeons are attracted to solar panels because they provide warmth, protection from predators, and proximity to food and water on the ground.

Are solar pigeon guard systems effective?

Yes, solar pigeon guard systems are designed to keep pigeons and other pests away from the solar panels. When installed correctly and properly maintained, they can be highly effective in reducing repair and maintenance costs.

If you’re looking to protect your solar panels from pigeons and reduce repair and maintenance costs, Bay Solar Group offers reliable solar pigeon guard systems and installation services. Contact Bay Solar Group at 628-259-0909 or visit their website https://baysolargroup.com/ to learn more about their services.


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